• Fringe Home • Cabaret • Circus/Physical Theatre • Comedy • Dance • Events • Film • Music • Puppetry • Theatre • Visual Art • My Unseen Disappearing WorldEventsPresented by Kate SwafferScots Church Adelaide - McGregor Hall My Unseen Disappearing World': Kate Swaffer's story about dementia, laughter, dancing, tragedy, sadness, humour, memory loss, playing cards alone, grief, tears, shock, humiliation, stigma, keeping secrets, daring, engagement and inspiration; hysterical, poignant and life changing. ..and with music to singe your soul. Don't miss this event! My Unseen Disappearing World is sponsored and supported by Alzheimer's SA, Resthaven, The Big Issue, and Scot's Church. For more information on Kate, visit her blog online at http://kateswaffer.wordpress.com/. ..and if you'd like more information on dementia, or to make a donation to help the work of Alzheimer's Australia, visit the website http://www.fightdementia.org.au/ or call the Fight Dementia Hotline on 1800 100 500. If LinkAdelaide has recorded a podcast interview with this event, you'll find the direct link to it below. Left click to play - right click and press 'Save Target As' to save the MP3 file to your computer. LinkAdelaide Podcast (click here): Making her theatrical debut at the 2012 Adelaide Fringe, Kate Swaffer is a brilliant and busy speaker who has adapted her experiences as a dementia sufferer into a performance which aims to shine a light on the lives of people and their families dealing with the illness.. and correct a few misconceptions (including my own) on the way. Share Your ThoughtsIf you've seen this artist's work before, or if you're headed to this event in 2012, we'd love to know your thoughts, and publish your review right here on LinkAdelaide. Click here to send us an email about this event. NB: This page will be updated with more information as it comes to us from the Adelaide Fringe, or the event organisers. For the latest, most up to date information on event cancellations, dates, times, ticket prices, etc, we urge you to confirm with the Adelaide Fringe website page for this event. If you notice any errors or omissions, please get in touch via the Feedback link above. Last updated: February 02, 2012. |