• Fringe Home • Cabaret • Circus/Physical Theatre • Comedy • Dance • Events • Film • Music • Puppetry • Theatre • Visual Art • This is what we do for a livingCircus & Physical TheatrePresented by Tumble CircusGluttony - Excess Theatre Nominated Best Circus Show 2011. The human side of circus. No fanfare or sequins, just the extraordinary skill and passion of two carnies on a lifelong adventure through the trials and tribulations of life and relationships, how they fall, land and survive. 'Original and clever' - Advertiser Ireland’s dynamic acrobatic duo, Ken Fanning and Tina Segner, return to Adelaide for a third and final Fringe season. First performed in Adelaide in 2010, and still going strong with seasons all over Europe and the UK, as well as repeat visits to Australia, This is what we do for a living re-enacts the roller coaster history of Ken and Tina’s real life relationship since meeting in Dublin in the 1990s, presented live on stage through extreme circus skill. Featuring flying hula-hoops, slapstick acrobatics, stunning corde lisse (aerial rope) and daring double trapeze, Tina (talented blonde bombshell originally from Sweden) and Ken (endearing Irish funny man) bring you pure, powerful circus; with no sequins, fanfare or fairy floss. This is what we do for a living explores how relationships can fall apart, how they land on their feet, and how they survive. Peeling back the canvas, Tumble Circus will show you the human side of circus and the extraordinary abilities of two acrobats on a lifelong adventure. Nominated Best Circus, Adelaide Fringe 2011 For more on Tumble Circus visit their website here. If LinkAdelaide has recorded a podcast interview with this event, you'll find the direct link to it below. Left click to play - right click and press 'Save Target As' to save the MP3 file to your computer. LinkAdelaide Podcast (click here): As Ireland's Tumble Circus make a joyful (and final) return to the Adelaide Fringe with their show This Is What We Do For A Living, we spoke to Ken about the show, what's next for Tumble Circus, and about being mistaken for Tina's (the other performer in the show) real life husband. Share Your ThoughtsIf you've seen this artist's work before, or if you're headed to this event in 2012, we'd love to know your thoughts, and publish your review right here on LinkAdelaide. Click here to send us an email about this event. NB: This page will be updated with more information as it comes to us from the Adelaide Fringe, or the event organisers. For the latest, most up to date information on event cancellations, dates, times, ticket prices, etc, we urge you to confirm with the Adelaide Fringe website page for this event. If you notice any errors or omissions, please get in touch via the Feedback link above. Last updated: January 23, 2012. |